Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What's Worth Your Coin?

Hey out there:)

We have spent many posts showing and encouraging you to spend less, save more, and just plain be more conscious about your money, but I also wanted to balance that with something equally as important; knowing what you DO feel is worth spending your money on.

Here are a few small things I am not willing to compromise on; toilet paper, garbage bags, tea, and shampoo. We tried buying the cheapest bulk pack of toilet paper once, and I realized very quickly that a minimum quality of toilet paper is required for me to have a happy life. I don't need the premium brand that costs $20 for 4 rolls, however, I do require 2-ply and NOT feeling like sandpaper.

Garbage bags; here is where buying the really cheap ones can actually cost you more in the long run. The really cheap brands tear open really easily, so you end up having to double up on the bags anyway. Not eco or wallet friendly!

Tea; I drink a fair amount of tea and, though I have pretty pedestrian tastes when it comes to the tea, I don't want a tea bag that will take an hour to steep a weak cup of tea. Ideally, I would like to get two cups of tea out of each bag. This is a case where it is worth spending a bit more money on a quality tea bag, so that you can actually get twice the distance out of each one and save money overall.

And shampoo; okay, I'll admit that I simply can NOT stand to have dry or unmanageable hair. It makes me crazy, and like the toilet paper, makes it more difficult to maintain my happiness. Therefore, it is a luxury I don't mind indulging in. I will by a pretty expensive shampoo and conditioner, however, I only wash my hair every second day and with the more expensive brands, less of the product goes a long way. A bottle usually lasts me several months (I am the only one who uses it).

So consider, as you are trying to cut your expenses and shop more consciously, the things that you might not want to go to the cheap extreme on. There is, in fact, a difference between 'cheap' and 'inexpensive':)

Ciao for now, folks!


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